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List of programmes



Medium: In-house only Location:
In-house - By Arrangement
Costs: On application Dates:
By Arrangement


In today’s business environment, the telephone is a major communication tool. It often is the first point of contact and the medium by which much business is conducted. Used effectively, the telephone can save us time, promote positive impressions and enhance customer service. Conversely, if used incorrectly, it can cause frustration, misunderstandings and ultimately damage business relationships.

It therefore is important that a positive, friendly and helpful image is conveyed.  We must be able to relate to people with diverse backgrounds and temperaments and understand their needs. We must also be able to meet the demands of even the most challenging callers in a professional manner.


The objective of this one-day programme is to assist staff in developing the all the key skills for effective telephone communication so that calls are handled courteously, effectively and with sensitivity.


Topics covered in the workshop include the following:

  • Key principles for using the telephone effectively
  • Difficulties in communicating by telephone
  • Using the telephone as a vehicle for communication
  • Using our voice to best effect
  • The verbal handshake
  • Clarifying the content of calls
  • Controlling and guiding calls
  • Listening and questioning skills
  • Keeping the caller informed
  • Message giving and receiving
  • Working with different personalities and cultures
  • Getting our message across effectively
  • Handling criticism and complaints
  • Conveying "bad news" constructively
  • Dealing with abusive, upset or stressed callers
  • Handling potentially lengthy calls positively.


This is a hands on programme during which participants will have an opportunity to practise and be coached in the key skills for effective telephone communication and in handling the more challenging calls.


  • To contact us about a customised in-house programme for presentation on the site of your choice click here
  • For details of our public programmes click here


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Director Bill Butler B.Com, C.A, Dip. Soc. Sci. (Psycholo.) Phone : 021 506 701