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List of programmes



Medium: Public and In-house   Location:
Public Course - Wellington
In-house - By Arrangement

Costs: Public Course -
$1575 plus GST
In-house - On application

19-20 February
8-9 May
6-7 August
14-15 October
11-12 December

In-house - By Arrangement


Today's team leaders and supervisors play a vital role in the achievement of each organisation's goals and objectives. Once the policies and plans have been determined, it is their role to ensure that what needs to be done is done, that it is done on time and is done to the required standard.

To do so effectively, team leaders and supervisors must be skilled in a number of key areas. They must be able to plan, organise, lead and control work performance. They must also be able to coach and motivate staff, communicate well and handle performance issues.


The aim of this two day workshop is to assist team leaders, supervisors and other staff with supervisory responsibilities in developing the key skills required for effective leadership, motivation and supervision of others.


Topics covered in the workshop include:

  • Role and skills of the proactive team leader/supervisor
  • The principles of leadership
  • Leadership styles and managing different personalities
  • Project management techniques for achieving results
  • Setting achievable objectives and action plans
  • Managing staff performance
  • Motivating and leading staff
  • Developing and building the team
  • Problem solving and decision making
  • How to coach staff and give constructive feedback
  • Delegating effectively
  • Appraising staff and handling performance issues
  • Interpersonal communication skills for team leaders and supervisors.


On completion of the workshop, participants will be able to carry out the functions which make up today's team leadership or supervisory role. They will be able to:

  • Manage for improved productivity
  • Use project management techniques to achieve results
  • Set achievable goals and objectives
  • Apply leadership, team building and motivational skills to their role
  • Coach staff effectively and delegate tasks as required
  • Give constructive feedback on staff performance
  • Raise performance issues with staff and agree action plans for the future.


  • For details of our public course dates click here
  • To book on to a public course click here
  • To contact us about a customised in-house programme for presentation on the site of your choice click here


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Director Bill Butler B.Com, C.A, Dip. Soc. Sci. (Psycholo.) Phone : 021 506 701