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List of programmes



Medium: In-house only Location:
In-house - By Arrangement
Costs: On application Dates:
By Arrangement


In today's business world, organisations are committed to the training and development of their staff, recognising the importance of a skilled and motivated workforce to achieve the results embodied in their business plans.

To this end, an overview is maintained of the skills of staff and, in addition to training in new processes and procedures, areas where they could be assisted in meeting the diverse requirements of their jobs are identified.

Since the training of managers and staff is frequently chosen as the preferred solution to meet identified needs, it is critical that trainers themselves are highly skilled so as to ensure that the desired outcomes of that training are achieved.


The objective of this one-day programme is to assist internal trainers in developing and/or enhancing their skills in the delivery of effective staff training solutions.


Topics covered in the workshop include:

Introduction and objectives

  • Key habits and behaviours for effective training and coaching
  • Adopting a project management approach for positive results.

Principles of adult learning

  • Different people, different learning styles
  • Different approaches to processing and retaining information
  • Application to training and ongoing transfer to participants.

Planning for training

  • Analysing needs and defining objectives
  • Determining content
  • Choosing the best method
  • Preparing lesson plans and evaluation processes.

Facilitating training

  • Communication skills for trainers - words we use, behaviours we exhibit
  • Assessing your own style and adapting to learner needs
  • Effective training methods and techniques
  • Presenting, facilitating and coaching
  • Testing the transfer, giving feedback, modifying and motivating
  • Handling different personalities, skill levels and abilities
  • Keeping up the interest and focus of participants.

    • To contact us about a customised in-house programme for presentation on the site of your choice click here
    • For details of our public programmes click here


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    Director Bill Butler B.Com, C.A, Dip. Soc. Sci. (Psycholo.) Phone : 021 506 701