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List of programmes



Medium: In-house only   Location:
In-house only

Costs: In-house - On application   Dates:
In-house - By Arrangement



In today's demanding business environment, personal presentation and impact are particularly important for success in our chosen career. We must not only be technically competent and knowledgeable, we must be able to present ourselves, our ideas, the services we offer and the organisation we represent in a manner which is professional and engenders confidence in others.

We must be able to converse and network effectively, put others at ease but most importantly, create a favourable, lasting, impression which sets a positive framework to achieve desired business outcomes and maintain effective ongoing business relationships.


The objective of this two-day programme is to assist managers, team leaders and support staff in developing all the key skills and knowledge to assist them in enhancing their own personal presentation, impact and persuasiveness for the achievement of desired business outcomes.


Topics included in this workshop include:

  • Personal presentation and self-expression
  • Identifying your strengths and weaknesses
  • Presenting yourself and your ideas persuasively
  • Visual impact and personal grooming
  • Body language, behaviours and gestures
  • Situational awareness and responding appropriately
  • Recognising and dealing with different personalities
  • Networking and conversation skills
  • Getting your message across effectively – words and actions
  • Contributing effectively at meetings
  • Handling objections and opposing points of view
  • Speaking up in a group situation
  • Handling challenging people and situations
  • Raising difficult and sensitive matters
  • Presenting information professionally
  • Identifying development goals and objectives
  • Presenting ourselves and our organisation to clients
  • Listening, responding and follow-up.


On completion of the course, participants will have a greater ability to project themselves, their ideas, services and the organisation they represent with confidence, enhancing not only their own personal impact but their ability to persuade and influence effectively so as to achieve desired business outcomes.


  • To contact us about a customised in-house programme for presentation on the site of your choice click here
  • For details of our public programmes click here


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Director Bill Butler B.Com, C.A, Dip. Soc. Sci. (Psycholo.) Phone : 021 506 701