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List of programmes



Medium: Public and In-house   Location:
Public Course - Wellington
In-house - By Arrangement

Costs: Public Course -
$845 plus GST
In-house - On application

29 March
26 July
6 November
In-house - By Arrangement


One of the keys for success in business today is the ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. While first class oral communication skills are essential, we must also be able to get our message across effectively in writing, both with clients and within our own organisation.

We must be able to express our views in writing in a manner which is clear, succinct and accurate and, most importantly, appropriate for the reader. In this way, we can add a dimension to our role which enhances not only the range and quality of service provided but also job satisfaction and career prospects.


The objective of this one day workshop is to assist business professionals in developing all the key skills for effective business writing, with particular emphasis being given to business letters, reports and other internal written communications, including electronic messages.


Topics included in this workshop include:

Writing it right

  • The keys to effective written communication
  • Particular requirements of written communication
  • Crystal clear objectives and a reader focus
  • Keeping it simple, keeping it focused
  • Grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Business letters and internal memos

  • Writing for the reader
  • Structure, tone and style
  • Choosing your words
  • Composition - sentences, paragraphs, punctuation
  • Length, jargon and hackneyed phrases
  • Using persuasive language.

Business cases and reports

  • Planning, structure and layout
  • Editing techniques
  • Using executive summaries.


This is a hands-on programme with participants working on practical exercises related to their own work environment and job needs.


  • For details of our public course dates click here
  • To book on to a public course click here
  • To contact us about a customised in-house programme for presentation on the site of your choice click here


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Director Bill Butler B.Com, C.A, Dip. Soc. Sci. (Psycholo.) Phone : 021 506 701