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List of programmes



Managing Pressure and Stress : Building Personal Resilience and Well-being

Medium: In-house   Location: In-house - By Arrangement

Costs: Public Course -
$845 plus GST
  Dates: 27 March
10 July
1 November
$845 plus GST


In today's result orientated business environment, increasing demands are being made on us to perform. We must be able to handle not only the technical responsibilities of our jobs but also the pressures and stresses associated with a heavy workload, performing to expectations and coping with change. We also have to deal with different people and personalities while trying to handle the competing demands being made on us both at work and at home.

To do so effectively requires both insight and skill and, in particular, an acceptance that while pressures, problems and stresses are part of everyday living, we do have the ability to minimise their impact through positive action on our part.


The aim of this one-day workshop is to assist participants in developing both the insight and skills necessary for the effective handling of all the day-to-day pressures, problems and responsibilities associated with living and working in today’s demanding environment.


The topics covered in this workshop include:

  • What pressure and stress are
  • The symptoms of stress
  • Where stresses come from
  • The fundamental source of stress
  • Pressure, stress and destructive criticism
  • Learned reactions and the expectations of others
  • Developing a personalised approach to pressure and stress management
  • Managing negative thought processes
  • Relaxation techniques and mental bonuses
  • Using assertiveness and negotiation skills for pressure management
  • Improved management of workload and competing requests
  • Health and diet for stress free living
  • How to crank up your immune system
  • Activity patterns and eating habits
  • Personal resilience, mental health and well-being.


On completing the workshop, participants will be better able to recognise the symptoms and sources of stress and to develop a personalised approach to managing more effectively the pressure and stress they may experience both at a personal and professional level.


  • For details of our public course dates click here
  • To book on to a public course click here
  • To contact us about a customised in-house programme for presentation on the site of your choice click here


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Director Bill Butler B.Com, C.A, Dip. Soc. Sci. (Psycholo.) Phone : 021 506 701