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List of programmes



Medium: In-house   Location:
By Arrangement

Costs: On application   Dates:
By Arrangement


One of the keys for success in business today is the ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. While first class oral communication skills are essential, we must also be able to get our message across effectively in writing, both with clients and within our own organisation.

We must be able to express our views in writing in a manner which is clear, succinct and, most importantly, accurate. The impact of even the most persuasive argument can be lost simply by an error in spelling, tense or punctuation. Our credibility can be undermined by even a misplaced apostrophe.


The objective of this half-day workshop is to assist business professionals in developing and/or updating their knowledge of all the key grammar, punctuation and spelling rules we need to know as part of our role as professionals in 2010 and beyond.


Topics included in this workshop include:

  • Punctuation - commas, full stops, colons, semi-colons
  • Apostrophes – before or after the “s”
  • Commonly confused words such as affect and effect
  • Quotation marks
  • Common spelling errors such as practice and practise
  • Practical examples.


This is a highly supportive, user-friendly workshop using practical, work-based examples. It is suitable for staff at all levels, with full support and encouragement throughout.


  • For details of our public course dates click here
  • To book on to a public course click here
  • To contact us about a customised in-house programme for presentation on the site of your choice click here

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Director Bill Butler B.Com, C.A, Dip. Soc. Sci. (Psycholo.) Phone : 021 506 701