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List of programmes


Managing Pressure and Stress : Building Personal Resilience and Well-Being

Medium: Public and In-house   Location:
Public Course - Wellington
In-house - By Arrangement

Costs: Public Course - $845 plus GST
In-house - On application
27 March
10 July
1 November
In-house - By Arrangement


Personal resilience is a key component in the prevention of stress and burn-out at work. It is the capacity to mobilise personal resources to tolerate, cope with and overcome adverse events without experiencing stress and, ideally, to grow and develop as a consequence of such events.

Building that resilience is about building personal capacity to withstand and cope with potentially stressful events without experiencing personal stress. It is by strengthening our personal resilience, we are able to remain motivated and engaged through periods of uncertainty and change whilst minimising the stressful effects of such events.


The objective of this one day workshop is to assist managers, team leaders and staff in developing the insights and skills to enable them to build their personal resilience so as to cope better with the day-to-day pressures and challenges that from part of everyday business life.


Topics included in this workshop include:

  • Understanding and recognising the causes and effects of stress
  • Understanding what resilience is and when we need to call on it
  • Assessing our own level of personal resilience
  • Building personal resilience - key habits and behaviours
  • Staying motivated and focused in face of set-backs and opposition
  • Building emotional maturity through difficult situations and change
  • Understanding how we evaluate events and form an attitude towards them
  • Managing negative thought processes constructively
  • Approaches and techniques to build personal resilience
  • Identifying threats to wellbeing and performance
  • Enhancing physical and mental wellbeing
  • Managing time, competing requests and prioritising more effectively
  • Improving our work-life balance.


On completion of the workshop, participants will be able to recognise the symptoms and sources of pressure and stress and how better to deal with them. They will also have learnt how to develop a more resilient attitude to challenging events, enhancing their ability to cope with them and become stronger as a result.


  • For details of our public course dates click here
  • To book on to a public course click here
  • To contact us about a customised in-house programme for presentation on the site of your choice click here

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Director Bill Butler B.Com, C.A, Dip. Soc. Sci. (Psycholo.) Phone : 021 506 701